Homepage of Capstone II Spring 2021 Team 11

Team Members:

Hanwen Jiang

Hanwen Jiang

Major: CPS linkedin

Siqiang Fan

Siqiang Fan

Major: CPS linkedin

CPS 491 Capstone II

University of Dayton

Department of Computer Science

Instructor: Dr. Phu Phung

An exercise in the design, implementation, documentation, and deployment of a group project culminating in a presentation to the computer science faculty and industry representatives.

Company Mentors:


Pluggable Web Search

Develop an web widget which enables user to search in a list of domains and give back the information they want completely and efficiently.

Project Goal

Create a web widget which can be plugged into any server and enable user to do the search of a specific URL:

1.User can do the searching by typing keywords or a complete sentence

2.It can be accessible anywhere

3.The searching should be very fast

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